sugary cereal update, a new tool

Some of you may remember I had found myself in a bit of a cereal fix with M... (see Cereal negotiator post for details...)Here was my plan. She was seriously into her Frosted Flakes which has too much sugar for my liking, and she would eat in exclusion of all other options at breakfast.I "mommed-up" and just didn't buy any after we ran out. I was very matter-of-fact. "We're out of Frosted Flakes, I will buy them again soon. Today you can have bread and jam, or oatmeal..." There was some pouting initially, but I stayed neutral and pleasant and she got over it quick.It went fine. Occasionally she would ask about it. So yesterday I thought, time to have it again so as not to create the Forbidden Fruit effect. I almost laughed out loud at the store when I saw this box, "Frosted Flakes, 25% less sugar and more fiber." Huh. So  it has 8 instead of 12 grams of sugar, perhaps the little added fiber might keep her feeling full a little longer and have more even energy levels,  and I thought, "why not!?" She can't read yet, we'll see what happens.So M this morning was very happy to have her "super-sweet" cereal (as opposed to the "sweet cereals" like Life or Pops or Oatmeal Squares...) and she poured herself some and ate it happily along with half a grapefruit and milk. I kept wanting to ask "what do you think?" to see if she could tell the difference, but I didn't and  she didn't seem to notice!So, Frosted Flakes are back, I am a little happier that they have less sugar, but I was pleased that it didn't turn into this huge deal when it was gone. I'll run out for awhile, and then we'll have it again and see what happens. I'll keep you posted, and oh, I am guessing there wil be trouble when she learns to read! ("I don't want the one with less sugar!!!")What do you think? What do you battle over?


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