what goes into our bodies isn't always food...

*I WILL BE OUT OF THE OFFICE UNTIL AUGUST 4TH WITH SPORADIC ACCESS TO INTERNET. I WILL POST WHEN I RETURN, I WILL LIKELY CONTINUE RANDOM LITTLE POSTS ON MY FACEBOOK PAGE. JOIN THE FUN!And now for something completely different. (As in not about food or feeding or eating...)Why the heck is everything scented? Why was the flameless candle I bought for M's room a stinking, imitation-vanilla horror, not labeled anywhere on the box? Why now does every bathroom, hotel fitness center, hallway seem to have those little white boxes by the ceiling that spew goodness-knows-what every 15 minutes into the air? Last year we got a deal on a fancy hotel. I was enjoying child-free time walking on the treadmill watching brainless TV when it hit me. Intense, sickeningly sweet, cherry-esque clouds that made me headachey and nauseous pretty quick. I fled, and then I complained. I mean really, a little arm-pit would be far preferable to that.I find it ironic, that in this era or organic everything, from baby bedding to tea to furniture, the explosion of chemicals we spew willingly into the air and breathe in is mind-boggling. I suppose I don't mind an essential oil here and there, but why now, why everywhere? Considering the FDA has banned so few chemicals in the US (6 vs over 400) in Europe, I have no confidence that these aren't known carcinogens, and it's just plain annoying. (I imagine the EWG has something to say about this.)  I remember having patients who worked in a factory manufacturing cleaning sprays and air-fresheners. Boy, just walking down the hall I knew when they had arrived. I can't imagine what it would be like to work in a super-saturated area like that. With all the folks who are sensitive to smells, perfumes etc, who thought this was a good idea? Who is making the fortunes off these now ubiquitous products? And, I'm sorry, if I come to your book group, or your dinner-party and 40 different scented candles are lit, I will either ask to blow them out, or make an excuse to go home ASAP. (Note, if you want to get rid of me, now you know how...) I want to smell the food, not PFCs.Here's what I do. When I can, I unplug those little spritzers. When I can't, I leave or move away from them. And, I ALWAYS complain, nicely, but in writing. Little comment card? Fill it out if it bugs you. Someone has sold all these businesses on the marketing potential of having vanilla, or whatever wafting through the air, but enough is enough. If you tell these businesses you will walk and take your business to a less stinky establishment, maybe they will listen.Have you noticed this? Am I the only one? Thanks for tolerating my mini-rant :)


Let Grammas feed your kids however they want?


our taste grows up, give the picky eaters some time...