what does the "dynamic" mean in Family Feeding Dynamics?

I don't know if this is cool with the blogging world rules, but I am excerpting my own quotes from an interview that's up right now at an awesome blog I love by Dawn Friedman called This Woman's Work. Check it out! She's the first person to ask me what Family Feeding Dynamics means...

"...The word "dynamic" also recognizes that feeding our families is a dynamic process, meaning it is flexible and changes with your family. For example, I had a hard time cooking the kinds of meals I thought I “should” during stressful times, whether we were moving, health reasons, or just being overwhelmed with the needs of an active infant and an over-worked partner. I relied more on take-out or pre-prepped meals at the time, but I “forgave” myself, meaning I let go of the guilt. I think that positive attitude helped me get back to feeling good about cooking more regularly again. So much changes with kids – their tastes, different feeding challenges depending in your child’s temperament and developmental stage, or your home situation with jobs, schedules etc. So you might eat dinner at 5:30 when your child is younger, but change to a seven p.m. dinner when your child starts after-school activities. It’s about being flexible, forgiving, fluid, and dynamic with your approach to doing your job with feeding."
Thanks for helping spread the word Dawn!

pan pork chops and convenience foods


Not so fast! Dangers of the "obese" label.