Reduce, reuse: washing zip-lock bags

We had left-over pulled pork last night from a shoulder roast. Yummy sandwiches on whole wheat buns with BBQ sauce (aka Daddy ketchup). So good. M gets a little frustrated because the meat falls out of hers. We also had carrots with Ranch dressing and salad with a home-made dressing that was a little too vinegary.

I use lots of plastic bags, from packing lunches, to freezing left-overs and chopped onions. I feel guilty throwing them away, but I was having trouble washing and drying them. Some good friends use magnets and hang them on the side of the fridge to dry. Its nice because its out of site. We don't have that option.
I've seen wooden drying stands for $20 at 'green' stores, but I hate buying more stuff in my efforts to reduce waste. So far the wine glass option seems to work best. I wash the bag and invert it over our wine glasses and they're dry the next day. Its not very pretty, and we almost always have a few drying on our counter-top, but it makes me feel better so I do it. I usually toss bags that have had raw meat in them, but I  figure I reuse them at least 3 times on average which is not too bad.

A tasty ready-made side, Spanikopita, or "Crispy Triangles"


Beet (and corn) salad