oh Boy! Boys are getting it too...

After a post last week, with a link to one of my favorite blogs, about body image and talking to kids, some moms (on FB too) commented how boys are getting hit with this too.I took a photo of this ad that was in the free WebMD (I think) magazine at the doctor's office. This ad is from an INSURANCE COMPANY! A company that is supposed to promote health and wellness.The caption says, "Improve. It feels good," while two teenage boys look at a muscle magazine. The picture of the man on the cover is grotesque (to me) in it's exaggerated muscle. A body type that is not achievable for probably 97% of the population, and probably steroid enhanced, and if not, probably takes several hours a day of working out, obsessing about intake etc. In short, an image that is every bit as damaging as the dead-eyed pictures of wasting super-models. And I doubt pursuing or achieving this body- "feels good." With boys increasingly being diagnosed with eating disorders, these are far from benign messages.Have you seen similar ads? Outrageous, I'd say. I tried to do a little digging to see whom to complain to, but no luck. I'll keep looking. Moms of sons, are your boys feeling the pressure to conform to impossible standards as well?


the "evidence" you might see that child and adolescent weight management doesn't increase disordered eating or EDs...


100 calorie packs and tuned-in eating