off the grid August 27-Sept 4

I was busy with lots of posts this week, maybe in anticipation of going to Family Camp next week. No cell phone, no internet. Bliss! I'll be back and ready to go (well, sort-of. School doesn't start until Sept 12 for M) soon! Enjoy the last weeks of summer-can you believe it!Oh, and you might like to know that my mentor, Ellyn Satter, is active on Facebook! It is still cool for me to be part of her Institute (I finally don't get nervous when we talk) and I think it's an amazing opportunity to see what she's reading, her thoughts on hot topics, her comments to parents... Her warmth and knowledge is an amazing gift. I hope you'll fan the site and find is a wonderful resource for feeding yourself and your family!With Joy and Gratitude for my work and wonderful readersKatja


"weird" foods, fun in the kitchen with picky eaters


"Maggie Goes On a Diet," not so surprising, part of a continuum...