"Mom, what's a diet?"

So, I made it six years before my kid learned what a "diet" is. I'm pretty proud of that. "Diet," "overweight" and other similar words have been spelled in our home like swear-words, and I have fed her with the Division of Responsibility, and occasionally talked about how our bodies know what they need...Well, earlier this week, our young neighbor, and Mommy's helper was over, and we were giving her some cookies for her and her mom. She said, "Well, I'll take them, but my mom won't eat them. She's on a diet."M looked at me and said, "What's a diet?"I paused for a second, wanting to be honest, but also not wanting to undercut our little friend's mother or be disrespectful. So, I said, "A diet is when people try to eat less or different foods than their body wants." She asked, "Why" and I replied, "Well, people think they can change how their body looks, but it usually doesn't work. Some people who want to be bigger try to eat more than their body wants." She looked at me and shrugged and said, "I just eat what my body tells me too." (If our friend wasn't there I would have been more truthful about how it "almost never" works...)Woo-hoo! I loved her answer. We'll see how all this evolves over the years, but for now I am pretty hopeful that she will continue to believe that her body can be trusted. It hasn't let her down so far!How have you handled this with your kids? 


children's museum "educates" on the dangers of obesity. Ugh


Holiday Eating