lunch box "back off" note

hello readers,Over the years, I've had posts complaining about folks who feed our children at schools or in daycares and do not follow the DOR. (Again, not out of spite, but because they generally really love our kids and want what they think is best for them...) These often get lots of "Yes! That happens to us and I hate it!" kinds or responses.I have been asked for a note like the one I had in M's box for years. Here is a rough draft.  Here is a link ot the PDF, be about index card sized that parents can fill in and laminate. You can buy clear contact paper pretty cheap at most craft or hardware stored.What do you think?Dear Friend of (insert your child's name here,)Please allow _____ to decide how much ____wants to eat, and in what order, from what I have packed. Even if that means all ____ eats for lunch is her “dessert,” or if she starts with her dessert. I trust that ___________________can rely on her own hunger and fullness to tell her what and how much she needs to eat. Please call me on my cell at _______________________________ if you have any questions or concerns. The nice thing is, this should be less work for you. If ____ needs help opening her containers, I thank you for that help, otherwise,______should be good to go ☺ Thank you for all you do for our children. __________________________________________What other things would be helpful? Notes to doctors with resources? Meal and snack ideas??? Help me, help you, help me... :)


The Feeding Relationship


putting food away doesn't mean it's "off-limits"