Koala Kupcakes

Sometimes I get tired of being sick and tired. Annoyed with poorly designed studies, bullying, and kids who are put on diets or are forced to eat. So, for something completely different and fun (I do that kind of thing too, though maybe need to more often) I thought I'd share my recent culinary adventures in birthday cupcake decorating! Enjoy! M is totally obsessed with Koalas. It could be worse. So, there was a koala-themed party. I decided to make koala cupcakes. Here is what I used... Store-bought mix (on sale), store-bought white frosting, a tube of black glittery frosting, left-over pink sprinkles, mini Oreo cookies, a fork, a knife. (I wanted to buy black jelly beans for the nose, but didn't want to spend $8 on a bag of assorted beans to get 12 black ones... ) I mixed a little black frosting with white and spread it around. Then broke open the Oreos, tossed the half without frosting, Stuck these into the frosting and into part of the cake. Used a fork to schmear on a little white "fur" in the ears, and added a touch of pink sprinkles. Then used the black tube for the facial features. I should have put them in the fridge right away as some of the noses "ran" into the mouth... (I was inspired by a cupcake of a cat that I saw in a magazine that used about 15 different kinds of candy. That's what makes me a little crazy about many craft or decorating projects, they can pull it off because they have hundreds of dollars of inventory at their disposal!) I'd guess my final bill was under $15. (Including the crazy eyes I tossed. See next photo...) 

Here was my first attempt. I think you'll agree, not cute, and a waste of $3.99 (or so) for candy "eyes."


Oh, and guess what one of the games was that we played...


Happy Birthday M!I really enjoyed making the cupcakes. I'm a bit of a frustrated crafty, artsy person, so this was a joy.

Alas, M said it was the "worst party" because there were too many kids and it got kind of crazy. My first instinct was to try to convince her it was great! After all, I spent a lot of time trying to make it really special for her. I stopped myself from guilt-tripping her, and agreed it was a little loud and boisterous, told her how sorry I was that she was disappointed and we agreed (10 kids was a lot for my quiet-loving kiddo) we will do things differently next year.What has your best party idea or inspired cake/cupcake been? Want to share photos on FB??? Head on over! www.facebook.com/thefeedingdoctor


12 month-old not interested in table foods or feeding himself. Freak out? Not just yet...


"Love Me, Feed Me" Giveaway and Review