interview on PsychCentral: feeding kids and our cultural "ab-norm" with food

Please check out an interview I did with Psych Central coming out in three parts this week.

Today's topics:
Where did we go wrong
more about the feeding model I work with and how I found it
what are the keys to raising kids who are competent eaters
We have our water back, but it's brownish and supposedly full of lead. I'm starting to pack and do final preps for a conference in Colorado Thursday and Friday, so again I am grateful for the lazy post! Moms who work outside-the-home (or home business,) how do you juggle it all! How long do you ever feel you have the 'balance' between work and family down? (I sure don't right now!)

"But I'm too full for dessert!": and dealing with pressure from family/friends


the fantasy vs reality of the "two-bite club"