fun with food, in the snow

photoYesterday was a snow day for most of Minnesota, except for St Paul and Minneapolis. We had 6-8 inches of snow, and I was thankful again that we live within walking distance of school! Snow in March is okay, snow in April is a bummer, so I was ready for another way to celebrate and enjoy the snow.Luckily, a friend posted this fun video on facebook about how to make ice-cream from snow; so on the way to get M, I walked to the corner market and bought some half and half, and the strawberries looked decent, so I bought those too. We invited our friends to join us last minute, since making and sharing special food with others makes it even more fun and special.We enjoyed our treat (I used a little less sugar than recommended), and we all remarked how different the texture was. It was a big hit, and a bit of a mess!What fun have you had with food recently?Remember, having kids participate in buying or making food makes it more likely that they will enjoy the food or try it, but it's no guarantee, and try to avoid the pressure of, "You helped make it, aren't you going to just try a little?" If you have a selective or sensory child, any positive experience with food is a win.


mealtime theater: this time not so crazy, but a good reminder to offer offer offer!


three "a-ha" studies that shaped how I thought about food and feeding