breakfast theater, or act II of "tiny, crazy, irrational people"

scene: breakfast
offerings: brioche, cereal, English muffin, yogurt, BANANA

me: Hey, M, would you like to cut the banana for us this morning? (offering her the chance to be involved in meal prep, all together now... Kids who are involved in meal prep are more likely-not gauranteed-to eat the foods they help with.)
M: no, gross, I don't want any banana
Me: You don't have to have any, please don't say 'gross,' but I want to cut it up for everyone to have some if they want. (I cut the banana.)

30 seconds later...
M: what's that yummy smell? Oh, it's the banana. May I have a piece of banana, please?
Me: Of course, help yourself. I like how you asked.
M: (happily eats banana chunk, after about 10 seconds, makes a face...) You know why I don't eat lots of bananas? They give me canker sores.
Me: Oh, really? Hmm.

remember, kids are tiny, irrational and unpredictable people around food. That is why we have to be predictable and neutral...


a nice summary of picky eating tips


brioche rolls and flexible dinners...