bread crust and lessons in trust

When M was about 18 months old, she spontaneously started rejecting bread crust. (Remember this is a time when kids become naturally more suspicious of foods, so formerly accepted foods are often rejected.) She was clumsy with it and ended up leaving 1/3 of the bread. We decided to minimize waste and started to cut off the crust– a practice we have kept up for about 2 years now. Our meals are pretty relaxed, and we don't get into food struggles. The other day she asked for a bite of my toast (it also had jam which she hasn't been too interested in yet.) I held it up for her and she took a big bite, with crust. She chewed, swallowed, and practically yelled, "Mommy, I like crust!!!" She then asked for a piece of toast, with "just butter and crust, no jam." (Our reaction, was a calm, "OK.")
This morning, however, she informed us that she was back to not liking crust. Our reaction, though a little more difficult this time, was a calm, "OK."
Its enough to make you want to pull your hair out. They are not rational. My husband has to hold himself back when she baits him into battles. I can read his mind, "You liked it yesterday, you will eat it!" Or that he knows she'd like jam if she gave it a chance. It's not worth it.
Kids pressured to eat more, eat less, and it's a lot less fun being at a table where there are constant food battles and negotiations. It doesn't have to be so hard.
So, follow the trust model, don't get sucked into the battles, reply with a calm, "OK" when they insist that they hate a food they loved yesterday. Keep serving your family food.
I trust, that one day again soon, she will eat crust again, and until then we will enjoy our time at the table where she eats most of everything else we give her. (Some after one or two exposures, some after literally dozens...) Hang in there.

Meme Roth: Rock Bottom


fried rice (day #3 of ginger recipes)