banning toys from Happy Meals...

Had you heard that San Francisco is banning toys from Happy Meals? I'm curious what your experiences have been with Happy Meals.Yesterday in the airport there was McDonalds and a sub shop. M likes subs better, but immediately asked for a Happy Meal.M had her first Happy Meal August '08. She was just shy of 3. The cousins were her from France and we were on a roadtrip. It made a HUGE impression. Months later she still talked about the little stuffed dog she got. We had a rule that McDonalds was for travel time. So, last Easter I called her while she was at the airport with Dad. "Mom! Guess what! I'm having a Happy Meal!""Great! Is it yummy?" I replied...This summer driving to Michigan we stopped there a few times. She was really disappointed with the toys for girls (a doll) while the boys got cool action figures. I noticed she hardly ate the food. Turns out, she doesn't like the food much, but craves the piece of crap toy.So, yesterday we are at the airport. Flight delay and hungry. She asked for a Happy Meal.Me: M, what do you want at McDonals?M: I want the toy.Me: That is the only food we will have until we get off the plane. There is also a Subway here. Would you rather eat McDonalds or Subway?M: can I have Cheetos? (See my post on Subway and Cheetos... and being judged around feeding)Me: Yes.M: OK, I want Subway then.It was interesting that she knows she doesn't like the food at McDonalds, but only the toy. We got our turkey with pickles and tomato and she ate most of that, with half the bag of Cheetos. She saved the rest of the Cheetos for the plane.My question is. Should SF ban the toys? If food should just be food, part of me thinks, yes, ban the toys. The other part of me feels it's a little creepy, Big Brother and where will they stop? Will kids need to step on a scale to see if they can eat certain foods? Will the school BMI report-card mean that they can't scan "unacceptable" foods? Will I not be allowed to give my child Cheetos? What about that hellish car trip where I do want the toy to keep her a little busy or have something to look forward to. (I bought a ton of little toys at the neighborhood garage sale and tossed those to the back seat every hour...)What do you think?


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