A word about my photos... and grammar

My daughter M is a little confused about the camera showing up at random times in the kitchen. Here is one of my attempts at capturing the Test Kitchen cook book for yesterday's blog. I have about 10 of her laying on my "subject." My kitchen is hygienic (most of the time) but otherwise you may see clutter, a random dish on the stove, or used napkins floating around. I'm a mom of a busy three year-old, and I know its hard to cook for your family. (I think I cooked three meals in rotation during M's clingy phase, and ordered lots from our local fresh Thai place. I even tried cooking with her in a hip-sling which I'm sure is a no-no...) My grammar may also offend some (sorry Jennie, as a science geek I lived in blissful ignorance of the rules for years). While I can punctuate properly with a little, OK a lot of effort, this blog is mostly meant to be a quick, forum for my thoughts and common sense in feeding and health. As I increase my professional duties, I too am feeling the pressures facing many working parents to get food on the table. I am experimenting and hope to share some ideas– and hope you share yours– to help make the task a little easier and a lot more fun!

New food alert: M ate and enjoyed lettuce last night. I think because it was buttery soft and bland Boston lettuce drowning in the her favorite home-made honey Dijon dressing...

No more tears


Skillet lasagna and keeping 'em busy while you cook